Advertisements are there to make people aware of new products whether it be from google ads or any other social media platforms. Advertisements can be in video, GIFs, images or in audible version. Many of them are made funny to attract new user base. Advertisements duration are up to 30 seconds, if the ads duration will be more than that specified time frame users will choose to skip the ads.
What is Target Audience?

Types of Advertisements
- Social media advertising.
- Display advertising.
- Paid search advertising.
- Native advertising.
Now moving forward to the Roles of Advertisements and how it affects users and profits businesses.
Let us continue with a few examples to help you understand what is advertising, types of advertising, roles and target audiences here!
So, when someone, let say a business A wants to advertise their product to the audience who likes their product, so in order to achieve maximum profit the company or business needs to identify their target audiences.
Once, a company identifies their targeting customer they can now proceed on with the advertisements methods.
Media Section - Purely based on Target Audience
- Shampoo companies likes Pantene needs to a brand ambassador to promote their products as their audience are going to by it only when some famous personality will recommend it to them.
- Companies like L'oreal Paris is endorsed by Aishwarya Rai who signifies beauty as well as excellence and this type of advertisement is considered to be Content based Advertising Message.
Whenever, there are is a advertisements on Jewellery brands chooses someone who shows respect to target audiences sensibilities and their thoughts.
If we consider a Tanishq, a Jewellery company that is known for its elegant designs. In this advertising, the company approached Deepika Padukone to showcase their products.
After that there comes a time or we can say period when certain ads should be run to increase sales.
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